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" Como ordenar, Joyero de Reyes

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" Como ordenar, Joyero de Reyes

Mayo 27, 2018


Fundada en París, Francia, en 1847 por Louis-François Cartier, Cartier es definitivamente una de las marcas de lujo más conocidas en joyería y relojes de diamantes..

" Como ordenar, Joyero de Reyes, Rey de los joyeros. Esta cita del Príncipe de Gales, el futuro rey Eduardo VII, da fe de los vínculos de Cartier con las familias reales y la aristocracia de todo el mundo desde principios del siglo XX en adelante..
Cartier was awarded 15 royal patents between 1904 y 1939 becoming official supplier to the most powerful dynasties, which most notably ordered precious tiaras from the jeweler.

En 1909, at the behest of Grand Duchess Vladimir, Maria Pavlovna of Russia, Cartier created a tiara adorned with sapphires and diamonds. A “foliate scroll tiara” created in 1910 was acquired by Elisabeth, Queen of the belgians in 1912, while that of Queen Victoria-Eugenie of Spain was made in 1920.

En 1926, Jagatjit Singh, Maharaja of Kapurthala, entrusted Cartier with the creation of a head ornament consisting of 19 exceptional emeralds, including an incredibly rare stone of 117.40 quilates. Cartier has been a priveleged witness of royal and princely love stories, such as that of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor or that of the actress Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III of Monaco who sealed their union with a Cartier ring adorned with a 10.47-carat emerald-cut diamond. For her wedding to Prince William of Wales in London on 29 April 2011, Catherine Middleton, future Duchess of Cambridge, wore a Cartier tiara.

Creado en 1936 for the Duchess of York and future Queen Elizabeth, the precious tiara was also worn by Princesss Margaret in 1955. This headpiece with scroll motifs creates a halo of light, which has given it the name “Halo Tiara” These rings, tiaras and sets of jewelry are testamen to an extraordinary dialog between the jeweler and these historic personalities.

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